Sexy & Pounding Electronic Opera, based on the classical play Lysistrata by Aristophanes. Composed, written & produced by Rona Geffen, Hilit Rozental & Ann Streichman.
STRIKE! is a luscious & innovative Electronic Opera, based on the classical play Lysistrata by Aristophanes. It is inspired by great musicals and music themed movies such as Hair, Cabaret, The Sound of Music, Grease and many more. Like these great musicals STRIKE! proclaims a strong statement through music on modern days politics. STRIKE! carries a feminine and social point of view on burning issues such as war, women empowerment, non violent civil resistance and modern music interpretation.
The Story of STRIKE! is told through a wide scale of genres in electronic music, from Dub to Tango and from Techno to Pop, making it the perfect tool to tell the story of modern Lysistrata and the half imaginary city TLVillage. The independently produced album is compiled by 18 songs and won a scholarship by Acum, the Israeli performance-rights organization.
Much like Lysistrata, as Israelis the creators of STRIKE! live and deal with complexed political conflicts in their country and region. This led them to question the morality of the parties involved and exam the deeper relations between a state of an ongoing war and human rights. Relations which have been proven to affect other aspects of society such as social class, minorities and women’s rights.
The amazing story of STRIKE! is told through original music Composed, written, performed & produced by Rona Geffen (Berlin), Hilit Rozental (Tel Aviv) and Ann Streichman (New York).
Also writing & performing on the STRIKE! soundtrack: Dub legend Mad Professor (UK), Andre Marmot (UK), Young hoffa (USA), Matt Hunter (USA), Minako Sasajima (JPN), Riff Cohen (FR/IL), And Israeli artists: Omri Anghel, Or Edry, Yonatan Naim, Ori Lichtik, Binya Reches, Shai Idelson, Itai Herman, Avigail Immanuel.
Other than the album, in its full version STRIKE! is planned to be presented on stage as a live spectacle including live music, live visuals and dancers (late 2016). For more information on the concept of STRIKE! and the creative process please visit our website.